
Bless The Work Of Our Hands

career transitions

Prayers for Your Career: Breaking the Glass Ceiling at Work

Prayers for Your Career: Breaking the Glass Ceiling at Work

Heavenly Father,

You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I come to You because I feel that there is a glass ceiling in my organization. Lord, I need Your help to calm the frustration on the inside of me. Holy Spirit, please give me Your wisdom and impart creativity into my daily work. Lord, show me how to innovate the usual methods and processes. I thank You that people who have influence and will  boost my career recognize my strengths and abilities. I operate on the next level in my work today because as you said in Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” I think on the next level.  I set the standard for the next level. By Your grace, I will break through to be a success at the next level.

In Jesus’ name I pray,
