Category: Thoughts
Interview with Louis Morris about God Please Help Me Find A Job
Louis Morris interviews Sonia H Cameron about the new book God, Please Help Me Find A Job!
GOD-PLEASE-HELP-ME-FIND-A-JOB Interview with Sonia Cameron
Here’s a link to a zoom interview with Pastor Alexandria Gainey from the Facebook group Matrix Stillettos. We discuss the book and have a lot of fun during this dialog.
One Thing to Do When You Hate Your Job
According to Forbes magazine on June 24, 2014, 52.3 % of Americans are unhappy at work based on a report by the Conference Board. The top three areas of dissatisfaction are job security, wages and promotion policy. On wages, “Workers making more than $125,000 were the most satisfied with 64.1% saying they were happy with…
Are you riding a career roller coaster?
There have been days when I have felt on top of things at work. However, I also have days when I feel a little inadequate and wonder if I am capable of handling everything that comes my way. Some say it may be burn out. I choose to believe that it is a sign that…
Watch Your Mouth – 4 things to say when you don’t know what to say about your career
There are many times in life when we face challenges and we may want to complain about our work situation. However, that is not the time to have diarrhea of the mouth. In difficult times it is crucial to watch the words you speak. Proverbs 15:23 says “A man (or woman) has joy by the…