
About Me

Mission for Bless the Work of Our Hands

I empower individuals who realize their career success should not be a matter of luck, but a mission of decision, prayer, and determination. I partner with them for a successful career search. How do you define a career transition? A person who is not doing what they love full-time and getting paid for it: that includes the unemployed, the under-employed, those who fear they may lose their job, those working on a plan B and C, and those wanting to work for themselves instead of an employer. My commitment is to provide support and resources for individuals seeking new opportunities in employment. I have been where you are now and I have made several career transitions.Visitors to this site enjoy the  Encouragement Blog. I will share my experiences and give you some of the tools that helped me in my job search. My hope is that you utilize these principles and that they will point you to new opportunities for your specific skills and talents. Since this topic is certainly of interest to you, return to this site as often as you can. My prayer is that I write something essential that will boost your enthusiasm for your new career!​If you have comments or would like to be sent an email every time we update the site, send an email to sonia@blessthework.com with the subject “subscribe”.

Why I created this site.

Why a website? I created this site so that I could share my experiences in hope that it will help you in your transition. I have been there and have survived and even thrived after being unemployed. My goal is for this site is  to provoke you to find work and pursue your passion. That work may be the one job or two different jobs: a day job and the assignment for which you were born. It is my philosophy that in today’s economic climate, everybody needs a plan B if you are employed by someone else. This website is a forum where we can learn from each other. Please realize that I have made several career transitions. Each time I have survived. I can tell you what works and what doesn’t because of my experiences and the experiences of friends and loved ones.I am  committed to updating the site on a regular basis, so stay tuned. The inspiration for this website is a scripture: Psalm 90:17 “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands – yes establish the work of our hands.”