career success Prayers

Understand Your Personality —Know You in order to Know what You are called to do

Part of understanding your gifts is understanding your personality. There are certain traits that fit specific careers best.

God created you in a very specific way and part of knowing yourself brings understanding of your purpose in life and what you do well. Just like a hammer was not created to write on paper and a pen was not created to pound nails, you have a purpose for which God fashioned you. This is key when choosing a career. Understanding your personality helps identify how you are inclined to succeed. 

Studies have shown that there are five personality traits developed by researchers and tested by scientists.

The five fundamental dimensions of personality are:
Openness — being insightful and having a wide variety of interests
Conscientiousness — being reliable and prompt while paying attention to being organized and thorough
Extraversion –whether a person interacts well with others or shrinks back from other people
Agreeableness — whether a person is friendly, kind, sympathetic or compassionate
Neuroticism — whether a person is moody or tense and has negative emotions

You can learn more about the five personality traits here:

And you can take a free personality test here:

​Be proud of whatever the test tells you because you are fearfully and wonderfully made!


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